Genuine parts for Motorcycle Honda 100 WIN

Please choose the year of your Honda WIN 100

Above are all the years of the Honda 100 WIN. Please choose the year of your vehicle to go on to the last step before viewing the parts catalogue.

If your year is not in the list above the model you selected may not be the right name for example CB125F instead of CBF125...

If you are not sure you can also try searching your model by Chassis number/VIN or Model code/keywords

Be Careful the year on the registration certifcate is not always correct!

The 10th digit of the chassis number/VIN is the exact year of your Honda.

For example: JH2RC36A5TM002350 - The 10th digit is T which means it is a 1996 model

9 = 1979 F = 1985 M = 1991 V = 1997 3 = 2003 9 = 2009 F = 2015
A = 1980 G = 1986 N = 1992 W = 1998 4 = 2004 A = 2010 G = 2016
B = 1981 H = 1987 P = 1993 X = 1999 5 = 2005 B = 2011 H = 2017
C = 1982 J = 1988 R = 1994 Y = 2000 6 = 2006 C = 2012 J = 2018
D = 1983 K = 1989 S = 1995 1 = 2001 7 = 2007 D = 2013
E = 1984 L = 1990 T = 1996 2 = 2002 8 = 2008 E = 2014